Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spiced Coconut & Jaggery Pudding

A mouthwatering dessert, gifted by the moor community
this is famous as "Watalappan" in Sri-Lanka.

serves 5-6


Eggs 5-6
Jaggery-grated 250 g
Thick coconut milk 250 ml
Water 150 ml
Pinch of Cloves, cardamom, cinnamon
- roasted & ground
Pinch of Nutmeg
Rose essence ¼ tsp
Cashew-chopped optional

Mix the jaggery and water and boil until the jaggery has melted.
Allow to cool.
Lightly beat the eggs.
Add melted jaggery and coconut milk a little at a time to the eggs and continue to beat.
Add the powdered cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and rose essence
Pour into a greased bowl.
Sprinkle with grated nutmeg on top
Cover with grease proof paper and steam for 1 hour.
Sprinkle with cashew nuts before or after steaming.