Friday, November 13, 2009

Mutton Masala Biryani

"Biryani", the best "Indian" way of eating rice ...

Ingredients :

Mutton pieces 250 g
Garlic paste ½ Tbsp
Ginger paste ½ Tbsp
Curd 1/3 cup
Chopped mint leaves 1/8 cup
Chopped Coriander leaves ¼ cup
Chilly Powder ¼ Tbsp
Green Chilly 1
Garam masala ½ tsp
Sliced Onion 1-2 nos

For Rice:-

Basmati rice 250 g
Grampoo (cloves)1-2
Cinnamon 1 pieces
Chopped Coriander leaves 1/8 cup
Chopped mint leaves 1 Tbsp
lemon juice ½ Tbsp
Saffron flower 1/8 Tbsp
Milk 1/16 cup
Ghee ½ Tbsp
Maida ½ cup

Method :

1. Heat oven at 350 degree Celsius

2. Marinate the mutton pieces with ginger-garlic paste, curd, coriander leaves, mint leaves, green chilly pieces, Chilly powder, Garam masala and salt.

3. Mix well these mixtures with mutton pieces and keep it for 4 hours.

4. Meanwhile cook rice. Make sure the rice doesn’t stick each other.

5. Drain the rice.

6. Add lemon juice, coriander and mint leaves, grampoo and cinnamon to the rice.

7. Cook the meat (mutton).

8. Fry the onion till it golden brown in colour.

9. Keep some fried onion for garnishing and remaining add to cooked meat.

10. Take a vessel and pour 2 tablespoon of ghee.

11. Place mutton pieces over the ghee.

12. Spread the rice over the mutton pieces.

13. Sprinkle saffron flower mixed in milk on the top of rice.

14. Tightly close the lid by using maida around the lid.

15. Bake the biryani vessel in a pre heated oven for 30 minutes.

16. Sim and again bake for 15 minutes.

17. Open the lid.

18. Garnish with fried onion and serve.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spiced Coconut & Jaggery Pudding

A mouthwatering dessert, gifted by the moor community
this is famous as "Watalappan" in Sri-Lanka.

serves 5-6


Eggs 5-6
Jaggery-grated 250 g
Thick coconut milk 250 ml
Water 150 ml
Pinch of Cloves, cardamom, cinnamon
- roasted & ground
Pinch of Nutmeg
Rose essence ¼ tsp
Cashew-chopped optional

Mix the jaggery and water and boil until the jaggery has melted.
Allow to cool.
Lightly beat the eggs.
Add melted jaggery and coconut milk a little at a time to the eggs and continue to beat.
Add the powdered cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and rose essence
Pour into a greased bowl.
Sprinkle with grated nutmeg on top
Cover with grease proof paper and steam for 1 hour.
Sprinkle with cashew nuts before or after steaming.